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What’s so special about
Acro yoga?

Acro yoga group choreography

Acro yoga is fun, challenging and functional exercise!

Working in partners or groups you get to base (lift) a person as they fly (are lifted) - trying out various positions and flows.

In Acro yoga, you get to do things you never get a chance to do anywhere else in your life - and all within a community of supportive people who literally have your back!

Come join us and try a class!

You don’t need to to be fit, flexible or strong.

You don’t need to be any particular age.

You don’t need to be doing or have done Acrobatics or Yoga.

You can progress at your own pace and you are completely in control of what exercises you choose to try.

Acro Jam on Sunday in Dublin

Benefits of Acro yoga

You will absolutely love it!